Listen to my contributions at BBC's 'The Real Story' on India's Covid-19 Challenge
Dignifying development: Deepening development in an Indian State,
Global Development Institute Lecture,
University of Manchester: October 3, 2018.
Politics of the poor, Kings College London. October 16, 2018.
Denied the right to have rights: Social and political exclusion of circular
labour migrants in India.
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Patna, India: November 30, 2018.
Mobility of the imagination: Ethnographic reflections and prospects.
Weekly seminar of the Center on Migration, Policy and Society
Oxford: March 11, 2016.
From subject to citizen? Political remittances of internal migrants in India.
Weekly seminar of the International Migration Institute, Oxford: January 26, 2015.
Optimist, Pessimist, Realist: Agency and Exploitation of Itinerant Labour Migrants in India, Asian Development Research Institute, Patna, July 20, 2014.
The Politics of the Poor in India: Reflections on Contentious Political Subjectivities, University of California/ Berkeley, March 18, 2013.
Provisioning Employment, Guaranteeing Rights: Insights from India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, University of Sussex, June 28, 2012.
Does Devolution Make a Difference to Human Development?, Conference on ‘Managing Pakistan’s Economy’, Lahore School of Economics, May 16-17, 2012.
Political society and pro-poor discourse in India, University of Edinburgh, January 19, 2012
Contentious politics and the state in India, University of Lund, October 20, 2011
Conference/ Seminar Organised
Global futures: China as a European power, University of York. June 26, 2019
Co-convener, Liberating comparisons II, University of Edinburgh. June 10, 2019 (co-organised with Sarah-Jane Cooper-Knock)
Co-convener, Citizenship Futures: Rethinking Citizenship in an Era of Growing Informality, University of York. June 13-14, 2019 (co-organised with Paul Gready)
Co-convener, Citizenship Futures: Horizons of hope in emerging market democracies, University of York. June 2018 (co-organised with Paul Gready)
Mobile citizens, portable citizenship, Workshop, University of Oxford. May 4, 2018 (co-organised with Matthew McCartney)
Mobile citizens, portable citizenship, Workshop, University of Sussex. May 2, 2018 (co-organised with Priya Deshingkar)
Mobile citizens, portable citizenship, Multistakeholder Symposium, University of York. May 10, 2018
Co-convener, Liberating comparisons I, University of Edinburgh. December 2017 (co-organised with Sarah-Jane Cooper-Knock)
Co-convener, Politics in Development, Annual Conference of Development Studies Association, University of Oxford, September 2016 [co-organised with Nandini Gooptu (Oxford), Oliver Owen (Oxford), Diego Sanchez-Ancochea (Oxford), David Hulme (Manchester), Sarah White (Bath)]
South Asia Day 2015, Univesity of Oxford. May 29, 2015
Democracy, Governance, and Development Conference, University of Oxford, 2013 (co-organised with Sofia Donoso)
'Between the Institutional and the Political', Democracy, Governance, and Development Conference, University of Oxford, June 27 & 28, 2011
Co-convener, India-Brazil-South Africa Seminar Series, May 2011 (co-organised with Sarah-Jane Cooper-Knock)
Co-convener, QEH DPhil Graduate Students Seminar, Oxford: December 2008 to November 2009 (co-organised with Taylor St John)
Conference Papers/Panels
'Politics of the poor, Author meets critics panel', Americal Political Studies Association (APSA) Conference, Washington DC: August 29, 2019
'Social protection in emerging market economies: Exploring the politics of the poor', conference paper in From politics to power? Rethinking the politics of development, Effective States and Inclusive Development Research Centre, Global Development Institute, The University of Manchester. September 9-11, 2019
'Global development futures', Conference Panel at Politics Studies Association (PSA) Annual International Conference, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham: April 15-17, 2019
'Agonistic citizens: Reflections on political subjectivities of circular labour migrants in India'. Conference on Researching the politics of South Asia 70 years after independence, London: July 17, 2017.
'Democracy as dignity: Agonistic negotiations after liberalism'. Conference on Bihar and Jharkhand: Shared History to Shared Vision, Patna: March 24-27, 2017.
'Agonistic imaginations: Modernity, democracy and the politics of the poor in contemporary Bihar.' Annual Conference of the Swedish South Asian Studies Network, Lund: September 20-22, 2016.
'Political thought of the poor: Ethnographic reflections'. Annual Oxford South Asia Day, Oxford: May 28, 2016.
'Democracy and the state in India post-1990', South Asia Conference, University of Wisconsin/ Madison, October 22, 2015.
'Cities, Caste and Citizenship: Reflections on Identities of Labour Migrants in India', South Asia Day 2015, Univesity of Oxford, May 29, 2015
'Political Settlements and Social Protection: Outcomes of India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Act', University of Cape Town, April 29, 2014.
Human Development and Capability Approach Conference, Lima, Peru: September 9 to 13, 2009
Development Studies Doctoral Students Conference, Norwich, UK: June 23-24
Graduate Research in Progress Seminar, Nuffield College, Oxford, UK: December 3, 2008
QEH Doctoral Students Conference, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford, UK: November 15, 2008
International Society for Third Sector Research, Bangkok, Thailand: July 12 to 16, 2006
Inter-University Consortium on International Social Development, Mumbai, India: December 29 to January 3, 2003-4;
Inter-University Consortium on International Social Development, Istanbul, Turkey: June 18 to June 26, 2001
Possibilities of a third front: Beyond the Congress-BJP dichotomy,
Kings College London. June 7, 2019
Panelist, Possibilities of a third front: Beyond the Congress-BJP
dichotomy, University of Oxford. January 31, 2019
Discussant, Webinar on Universalisation on Health Care in
the Emerging Economies, United Nations Research
Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), July 27. 2017
Asian Connections, DFID Asia Regional Strategy
presentation, May 23, 2017.
Discussant, Perspectives on Global Development: International
Migration in a Shifting World, Organisation for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD), January 21, 2016.
Moderator, Panel discussing documentary titled
India’s Daughter with film-maker
Leslie Udwin, May 2015.
Panelist, Deciphering the Modi Regime:
Discussion one year on, March 2015.
Moderator, Discussion on Bhopal Gas Tragedy
with activist Satinath Sarangi, June 2013.
Panelist, Discussion on book titled Indian Ideology
with author Perry Anderson, May 2013.