Popular Press/ Blogs
2019, India’s TsuNaMo: Modi’s Triumph Signals Departure of Secularism and Diversity, The Globe Post, May 24
2019, Beyond the Congress/ BJP dichotomy: Reflections on the possibility of a Third Front. Asia Dialogue Nottingham, April 4
2019, Ensure voting rights for migrant workers, Hindustan Times, March 18
2018, Lalu Yadav might be halted but laluwad will not be, The Citizen, January 28
2016, Trump and Modi: Birds of the same feather, The Conversation, December 2
2016, India’s slow brewing political storm is steadily gathering strength, The Conversation, October 27
2016, Disenfranchised citizens, unfree labour: The social and political exclusion of India’s internal circular migrants, Open Democracy, October 3
2015: Why Development in Bihar is about Social Justice, The Wire, November 8.
2015, Bihar Polls: PM Modi’s ‘Caste vs Development’ Battle-cry is Misleading, The Huftington Post, November 7.
2015, Why is the media outraging against OBC reservations when it’s the higher castes who have cornered jobs? Scroll, May 14.
2015, When Modi Mocks NREGA, he ridicules 80 million Indians , Scroll, March 28
2014, The past is not all that dead, Hindustan Times, May 27.
2014, Our Unrepresentative Representative Democracy, The Hindu Center for Politics and Public Policy, April 28
2014, Secularism deserves better champions, Hindustan Times, April 25
2014, Bolstering privilege: Reservation debates during Elections 2014 , Round Table India, June 3