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Book Chapters


Forthcoming in 2019, Inclusive exclusions: Citizenship practices among circular labour migrants after 1989, Migration and mobility in India: A citizenship perspective (eds.) Ashwani Kumar and RR Bhagat. Routledge.

Forthcoming in 2019, Democracy as dignity: Agonistic imaginations after liberalism. Coming of age in Bihar: Readings in Social Sciences (eds.) Shaibal Gupta. Primus Books.

2019, Global Poverty, Understanding global politics: Actors and themes in international affairs (eds.) Ruth Wittlinger and Klaus Larres. Routledge.


2017, Sanskritisation: Critical perspectives from North Bihar in comparative perspective, Contested Hierarchies, Persisting Inequalities: Caste and Power in Twenty-first Century India (eds). Surinder Jodhka and James Manor: Orient Blackswan, pp 312-348.


2015, 'Transformative politics: The imaginary of the Mulnibasi in West Bengal'. In Uday Chandra, Geier Heierstad and Kenneth Bo Nielsen (eds), The Politics of Caste in West Bengal, London: Routledge


2014, Flaunted transcripts, Taunted Elites: Interrogating Domination in Bihar, Persistence of Poverty in India (eds). Jonathan Parry and Nandini Gooptu: Social Sciences Press.


Indrajit Roy

Sr. Lecturer - Global Development Politics, University of York

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